Saturday, October 2, 2010



IT ALL ENDS HERE! You can see the complete transformation of Hal Jordan on this special Glow in the Dark Cover. The three covers I have posted are iconic to a Lantern fan. Here is e a hero in pain on his knees crying out to the world in issue 48. The hero is on the brink of insanity in issue 49. Issue 50 you can see the villain that emerges and the hero is no more.  I don't think any comic book character every changed so much in span of 3 issues like Hal did. Hal and Sinestro battled to death in the final issue and Hal finally kills Sinestro? I could feel Sinestro's neck crack when I flipped the page. The part that burned into my eyes was when Hal murdered one of his best friends, Kiliwog.  Hal was willing to sacrifice his allies, friends, and the guardians in order to fix his biggest regret. The Coast City which would be similar to Los Angeles in reality is what he lost. Hal looked at its destruction as his biggest failure. He is in tears right before he takes all the power and becomes Parallax. He knows things have changed forever, he had crossed the line and there was no going back. There were no more paths to choose from. There was just one man with all the power and knowledge to change the universe. It’s All Happening....As I dig through the crates for Gauntlet's Tale to research which will probably be the biggest movie of my lifetime. I can't help but to think back in 1994 when Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight changed the way I looked at evil forever. There was something very true going on in this story. I never looked at Hal Jordan as a villain. If I lost everything that I loved and protected I would be tempted from the power for a chance to get it all back. Would you? This movie only lived in the imagination of comic book fan for decades. I have tried my best to walk in my hero's shoes and deal with my own shades of gray. There have been points when I have been heroic and there have been points where I have did some things…I will quote Hal, "I have done things that have been questionable." This is an important day in the history of things. This is the time of my own Emerald Twilight. I have learned a hero's path is just as lonely as a being the villain. Green Lantern fans that have stuck by the comic book all these years know it’s been a roller coaster ride but I am proud that Hal Jordan is getting his moment.

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