I just wanted to say thank you to all the Green Lantern Fans that willed Hal Jordan from the dead back to the pages of the Green Lantern Comic Book. I was one of the 3954 signatures that signed the Petition to bring back Hal Jordan back in 2000. The idea of actually seeing him in live movie was just a dream to the handful of fans that just wanted him to live again....this is our BRIGHTEST DAY! Hit or Miss we got it made...the Power of the Fans! Hats off to the creator of The Green Lantern Martin Nodell, John Broome, Gil Kane, Ron Marz (for being so bold), Geoff Johns(for finally giving the fans what they wanted) DC Comics, Warner Brothers(hope you didn't mess it up) and every artist that was ever involved with the comic book, cartoons, and toys...you guys ROCK! The FANS, you are the most passionate and opinionated individuals on Earth. THIS IS MY THANK YOU TO EVERYONE. I don't think the character would have ever reached it's present day height without the will of every individual that wore the rings be it plastic that was too small for our fingers, silver which was the wrong color, with green paint chipping off, custom made, and to to the ones that light up led style today. To anyone that rocked a red Alan Scott T-shirt or paid too much for the Green Lantern Logo T-shirt at your local comic book store. To anyone that read Emerald Twilight over and over again. To anyone that tracked down that Parallax figure from the Total Justice Series at every Warner Brothers store in the four surrounding states around them. To anyone that snaps off when someone calls GL the Green Hornet. To anyone that ever had a letter or published in the comic book. To anyone that made their own Parallax figure with paint white side burns and all. To anyone that forced people to read their comics to make a larger fan base. To anyone that put on a suit and tie and still rocked a green plastic ring. I just want you to know that I was with all the way and I think every GREEN LANTERN FAN deserves this moment.
Thank You,
The 8R8
Well after two days of trying to spin The Green Lantern Movie in my own head to convince myself it was a good film I have given up. There was no character development what so ever. No real trials. They even figured out a way to make my favorite Villain Parallax lame in the movie. The 150 Million dollar budget had to go into the pockets of the actors not the movie. I feel it mocked real fans at times. What more can I say other than Warner Bros. makes me want to puke. It isn't really that hard...let the people that were involved in SMALLVILLE writers, directors, and artist make your comic book films. They knew what they were doing. STFU WARNER BROS.. T0 THE WARNER BROS SUITS... Y'ALL look like a bunch of dying pink aliens. You suck ASS...HARD! :) Dark Knight restored our HOPE...but the GREEN LANTERN took our heads out the clouds brought us back to the reality.